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I am asked regularly: Pak Kriss, could you please improve our page’s Google PageSpeed Insights score to 100?

Well, that is something we can accomplish.

The 100 PageSpeed Insights scores are listed below, for both mobile phones and desktop computers.

More articles explaining the relation to SEO or SERP may be found on my blog.

Do you want it as well? Please ping us here!

I’ll analyze your site, provide recommendations and requirements, and then we’ll get right to work optimizing it.

Any question? Please let me know.


Pak Kriss

Quality services meet or might exceed customer expectations. Empirical studies have shown that good service quality improves economic competitiveness.

The most important aspects of quality are anchored in the concept of quality management and these are equated with a culture. There are many aspects of quality in a business context, although primarily the idea is that the business produces something, like our services. These services and their creation include many types of processes, procedures, equipment, and investments, all of which fall under the quality umbrella.